Tempering is a process through which chocolate gains desirable textural and visual features. In this series we will explain how chocolate enters a tempered state of consistent shape V crystals and the different ways to obtain it yourself.

Tempering, or intentionally solidifying chocolate for stability in room temperature and desirable texture, can be achieved in a variety of ways depending on your starting point. It may be best to understand tempering properly first, we recommend reading What is Tempering? To get your head around it. If you’re looking for a quick guide, keep reading.
We’ve created a guide for every one of the commonly practiced approaches, as well as an explanation of what happens when you temper (as to not repeat it on every article):
What is tempering? - the physics of it. Important intro and good for troubleshooting.
Hand tempering on marble - The best way to truly gain a feel for the chocolate
Manual tempering on stove - My preferred method for small batches
Seeding - The accessible, quick easy way (if you have some tempered chocolate already)
Silk/Mycryo/pre-crystalised cacao butter - Also easy, given your recipe has at least 1% cacao butter built in and you have some pre crystallised cacao butter.
Countertop and continuous tempering machines - When you make a lots

Photo credit: www.thekitchn.com